“Who am I?” – A perspective from the Abrahamic religions

(These were my tweets) @Janamejayan


1. In these series of tweets, I am exposing the startlingly simple idea of what Judaism, Christianity and Islam are as a religion.

2. In order to perfectly understand each of these religions you have to stand in their shoes and begin to assess.

3. So I give the title “Whom am I?” to these series of tweets. First let’s start with the general idea.

4. All humans crave for an anchor to hold on, a firm ground to stand on. We call this SthaaNu.

5. Why do we crave for sthaaNu? Because we are afflicted with insecurity. Insecurity causes distress, security causes comfort.

6. Buddhists denied existence of anything permanent. Sarvam kshaNikam, kshaNikam – nothing lasts (for ever) said Buddha!

7. Are Buddhists right? If so we are always adrift and suffering is our lot!

8. Thus Buddha gives the solution that we disappear into nothing and become sunya!

9. Christians went one step ahead of Buddhists and said there is no salvation because in their contention you are born a sinner.

10. It entails all sinners to rot in hell for ever!

11. If there is no end to suffering why crave for an end?

12. In spite of entreaty to obedience to “God” Christians more often disobey!

13. St.Augustine contended the predestination of man is hell only unless god chooses otherwise.

14. John Calvin asserted that man has no choice whatsoever and only God has it!

15. While Buddhist lead us to passive resignation to our suffering, both Augustine & Calvin lead us to an assertion of a culture of survival of the fittest.

16. When such survival is postulated then all morality becomes secondary, we might as well say it is just a matter of courtesy not an obligation to respect another!

17. Secular dogmas emanated from these principles where the weak is over run by the strong!

18. All these preambles are to insist that (a) there is need for (and there is!) salvation to suffering; and

19. (b) such salvation denotes true freedom viz. freedom from fear and freedom to do whatever u want unhindered.

20. This is the end part or objective of ‘I’ in the idea of ‘Who am I?’

21. Do the western religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have this objective? We will see.

22. The entity that calls himself/herself as ‘I’ is the subject of our contemplation. Let’s consider how jews understand it.

23. In Jewish concept ‘I’ as an individual is inconsequential. I am a Jew and I am a part of a society which is the ‘chosen people’.

24. I am a cog in the wheel!

25. When I study the Bible closely I realize my god Yahweh in his fancy is playing a chess game!

26. He creates the chessboard called the world and the coins called Man.

27. Of the two opposing sides that are at fight in the game of chess, unlike the coins that we use that are inert, Yahweh’s coins are live ones!

28. Since these coins are live, they play the game themselves and not as moved by someone else as in the game we play. This is free-will!

29. However Yahweh does favor one side over the other and that side he favors is called the Jews, his chosen people!

30. The side he does not favor is called gentile.

31. So he creates two sides, but favor one! This is fundamental to Judaism. The concept of ‘chosen people’ cannot be bartered.

32. In lieu of the favor he bestows on the Jews, they have to conform to his rules of ten commandments. It is called a covenant.

33. The covenant is a contract between Yahwe and the whole of Jewish people, not any individual Jew.

34. This is because, as I pointed before, individual jew is inconsequential.

35. Any individual Jew violating the commandments will be dealt with by the Jewish society and god Yahweh does not get involved.

36. Violation of the covenant could only be by the whole Jewish people and not by any individual.

37. In other words, violation by an individual affects the whole Jewish society so the society gets into action to set it right.

38. This is because the violation of the covenant calls for the destruction of the jewish society as a whole so obedience is not an option!

39. Yahweh created individuals to play his game. When they die, the body goes to dust from which he made it.

40. The souls returns to him via the purgatory where they are cleansed of all remnant of the man who lived with it.

41. As Jew I have no past before creation and can have no future after death.

42. As a Jew I am what I am between birth and death. I have one life to live.

43. Because the Jews consider themselves as ‘chosen people’ they are not into conversion frenzy like the Christians and Muslims.

44. Now back to the Jew who had just died. The soul that enabled him to be a man sets off to go back to Yahweh via a purgatory.

45. Jewish purgatory is a place where the souls ruminate on their achievements and shortcomings & then purge them.

46. Once cleaned of all identity of the man to which it was attached the soul gets back to Yahweh in its pristine form.

47. Let me stop here to continue with the discourse tomorrow the same time.

48. What did we learn from the bible so far?

49. Mainly Yehwe makes it clear in the first three commandments that he is the boss!

50. The first three commandments are (i) Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

51. (ii) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above etc.

52. (iii) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. (Don’t call me, I not your servant.)

53. He created the world (‘chessboard’ in our concept!) and the two opposing coins black & white! White is the Jew!

54. Coins are made out of earth and will go back there replaced by new ones. They come to life only because of souls he gave.

55. On the death of a coin the soul is cleansed of all identity and affliction and taken back by Yahweh.

56. I am just a coin, either black or white due to no choice of mine. I am also a king or a pawn not by any choice either!

57. I cannot change sides or roles! I operate because of the soul that is not mine! In fact I am really nobody but a coin!

58. Oh, yes, black and white are not equal. Yehwe has a covenant only with the white coin! Non-Jews are not his favorites!

59. Last but not the least, take away my being the ‘chosen people’ and my identity as an “Israelite” then I am no more a Jew.

60. This is the sum and substance of who I am as a Jew!

61 & 62. Moses freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt and led them into Israel and reminded them that they are the chosen people and Israel is their land.

63. Come to think of it, the gentiles were not dealt with badly. They have no commandments to obey and they have all land except Israel!

64. Enter Jesus and the equation changes!

65. Jesus repudiated by breaking the two legs of Jews on which they were standing viz. the idea they are ‘chosen people’ and that Israel is their land.

66. Why did Jesus do this? What was his basis?

67. Beginning from around 600 BC the Jews were subjected to constant invasion, occupation and exile.

68. One such exile was known as the Babylonian captivity that lasted from 597 BC to 538 BC.

69. The Jews during this period of turmoil were put to immense strain to keep their faith and adhere to the 10 commandments.

70. It was also untenable to maintain that Yahweh was keeping his part of the covenant to protect Israelite.

71. So it was more easy to hold their god Yahweh was angry that he is now executing his threat to destroy them for their defiance!

72. Jews were divided into those who hold they are the chosen people by Yahweh’s covenant and those who cite his threat of destruction.

73. During Jesus’s time Israel was occupied by the Romans.

74. There were 4 main groups among jews existed when Jesus came on the picture. They were Zealots, Sadducees, pharisees and Essenes.

75. Zealots were for armed revolution against Romans while Essenes had given up and were waiting for apocalypse.

76. The other two namely Sadducees and pharisees were in-between.

77. That is when Jesus comes in with his new covenant claiming to be the son of god! From ‘chosen people’ to ‘chosen one’!

78. Thus far we considered the premises of weakening of ‘Lord’s’ covenant with Moses by the time of Jesus.

79. While the Zealots talked of armed rebellion against Romans to re-establish Israel, Essenes waited for apocalypse.

80. Jesus radicalised the religion by abolishing the Jewish-gentile (non- Jews) division. This abrogated Moses’ covenant.

81. Remember Moses’ covenant ensured Jews as chosen people and their right to Israel as their homeland.

82. Jesus by this abrogation abolished the Jews as an entity that enjoyed a history of 4000+ yrs with a home called Israel.

83. Disciple Judas, a Jew in great anger, ‘betrayed’ to Romans that Jesus was out to create severe disturbance among Jews.

84. Jesus was caught and crucified. Judas hanged himself in remorse. Other disciples met with violent death too.

85. The crucifixion of Jesus is glorified by Christians who claim that Jesus rose from grave and ascended to heaven.

86. The event and idea of Crucifixion and Resurrection are claimed as testimony to the covenant of Jesus, the New Testament.

87. Jesus a born Jew, didn’t win them over to his New Testament. Jews persevered with their belief of being the chosen people.

88. Jews’ right to return to Israel happened after almost 2000 years after the sacking of the 2nd temple in 70 CE.

89. The last of all invaders to occupy their land were the Muslims.

90. They also had to endure the holocaust at the hands of Hitler until they returned home. This immensely hardened their cohesiveness.

91. Jews in all their 6000+ years of history saw themselves as persecuted, dispossessed and hounded people. Their last enemy are the followers of Mohammed.

92. Hindus for over a thousand years have been going through the same persecution in the hands of same Muslims who hound Jews.

93. Hindus and Jews thus have the same need and bond of existential nature in facing the common enemy.

94. No Jew has ever dared to blame Yahweh for not keeping his part of the covenant that had caused deprivation and persecution for over 600 years.

95. Such has been the enduring faith of a Jew in Yahweh. He could never betray his Lord god Yahweh to revolt against him like angel Lucifer (devil) did.

96. The Jews endured and never repudiated their religion that could have resulted in atheism.

97. Such attempt had to wait for another 1800 years for the two Jews – Feurbaugh an Marx – to appear on the scene in far off Germany to preach godless atheism.

98. Less revolutionary yet quite radical attempt was by Jesus who reposed faith on Yahweh and yet claiming that everyone has an everlasting soul!

99. The idea of the soul returning to Yahweh was put an end to by Jesus. “God gave me the soul and the soul is mine and I am the soul.” was his idea.

100. This released the INDIVIDUAL from the ‘collective’ that Jews claimed as a nation to which alone every Jew is bound to.

101. This was truly a treasonous attempt to dismember the nation and naturally the Jews were aghast at Jesus and disowned him.

102. Jews despised Jesus for what he did was nothing short of complete betrayal. Jesus robbed me, a Jew, of my very being, my very swaroopam as a Jew.

103. Jesus did not criticize Yahweh for not keeping his part of the covenant but the Jews for their neglect of 10 commandments.

104. Jesus attributed the neglect of the Jews to obey the commandments to the work of ‘original sin’.

105. Yet again the idea of ‘original sin’ was a daring invention of Jesus to assert his new idea.

106. By his death he ‘cleanses’ the original sin thus giving each one a chance to redeem himself by sticking to the faith and showing loyalty to the redeemer.

107. By the logic of everlasting soul Jesus contended that those who stick to him go to heaven, others to hell.

108. Jesus asserted that he is the son of god and he is here to redeem the souls by a covenant with the God that by his death he absolves the sin of the believer.

109. King Constantine who made Christianity a state religion became a Christian only at his deathbed to ensure he is sin-free!

110. It is to the credit of Jesus Christ who gave a lasting identity to each individual which was denied in Judaism.

111. By this single act of betrayal of the Jews Jesus became a hero to the gentiles who yearned for an impartial Yahweh because Jesus provided them with one.

112. There is yet another group among these gentiles who kept coming up again and again under different names, such as Kabbalah, the Cathars, the Druze, the Rosicrucians and many more.

113. They were thrilled at the idea of an everlasting soul with which they neither wanted to go to hell nor even heaven but come back to earth to claim all those they have missed enjoying!

114. There are references in the new testament that people asked Jesus about coming back but he could not answer them at all but deflected.

115. There are fanciful accounts spread among Hindus that Jesus came to India and stayed for a long time.

116. Such is an attempt to make Jesus an acceptable character even though Christianity per se is a diametrical opposite of our Dharma.

117. If he had really been in India he would have certainly understood the idea of karma and reincarnation that is a central point of our Dharma.

118. The very fact Jesus could not answer questions on reincarnation is proof enough that he never came anywhere near India.

119. Jesus, it must be admitted, became relevant only in the context of the constant defeat of the Jewish people in the hands of gentiles.

120. Yet Jesus Christ became irrelevant to the Jews who refused to give up on Judaism. And they persevered.

121. In my estimation the Jews might even outlive the Christians one day as Christianity is on the decline now.

122. Let’s now compare and contrast between Judaism and Christianity.

123. In Judaism Yahweh is all powerful and it is Yahweh’s game from the beginning to the end. This idea is not changed in Christianity.

124. Humans are Yahweh’s fancy plaything. Humans are created, given the rules of the game in 10 commandments and replaced when worn out.

125. This idea also remains unchanged in Christianity. I as a Christian have to obey the 10 commandments.

126. Humans never exited before their life on earth. This is also true with Christianity.

127. Humans never have an existence after death is an obvious fact in Judaism. But the idea of everlasting soul changes this in Christianity.

128. While Yahweh has no beginning and no end while I as a human has a beginning and an end makes Yahweh very powerful in relation to me.

129. With an everlasting soul in Christianity, if there is a chance that I can keep coming back as human then I can easily repudiate Yahweh as needless to me.

130. So in the Council of Nicea in 315 AD the idea of reincarnation was quelled and the belief that the soul either goes to hell or heaven was firmly planted.

131. You are not coming back, you are going to hell and you you need a redeemer Jesus Christ is the message.

132. Upon death of the body, the ‘sinned’ ones go to hell to rot and the chosen ones go to heaven to live with Yahweh!

133. By the way in the Council of Nicea and before it and after it those having a differing view were simply put to death! This was going on for a few centuries.

134. The worst ones were the inquisition and the holocaust.

135. In Judaism there was a covenant on the part of Yahweh to protect the nation of Israel.

136. That part is singularly absent in Christianity as the congregation is now spread all over the world.

137. In Christian idea the world is still a place for you to run amok using your free-will, no fear of sin as long as you are a Christian.

138. However St. Augustine and Calvin had laid down that Total Depravity is the nature of man and he is destined to hell only and ‘god’ has destined chosen ones to come to live with him in heaven.

139. Thus the partiality of the Jewish Yahweh finds expression and reincarnation in the Christian God the Father!

140. Let’s take stock of what happened so far. Jesus abrogated the dividing line between the Jews and the Gentile;

141. Jesus converted the soul that was a ‘loan’ from Yahweh to a ‘gift’ from Yahweh! (who can check if he can do?!)

142. And established the ideas of inheritance of ‘original sin'(how come? That is not in the original Bible!), and

143. Christianity can be summed up as follows:

144. (i) You have an everlasting soul and Yahweh is your god;

145. (ii) You have been sinning – caused by the inheritance from Adam’s original sin;

146. (iii) Admit you are a sinner and repent!

147. (iv) Accept Jesus as your savior for he dies for your sins;

148. (v) Join a Christian church;

149. (vi) Pay your tithe. (and presto you are laughing your way to Heaven!)

150. (vii) If you don’t do the above you will rot in everlasting hell!

151. Inheriting someone’s sin is the landmark in Jesus. Surprisingly his followers are dumb enough to accept it!

152. After the Crucifixion of Jesus all of his 12 disciples were killed one by one except Judas who killed himself.

153. Important among them was Peter who was crucified in Rome by Emperor Nero Augustus Caesar.

154. Jerusalem itself was attacked and razed down by the Romans as Jewish Zealots rose against them in armed rebellion in 70 AD.

155. The Romans would not let the Jews enter Jerusalem from then on and the Jews became weak and dispersed but not totally vanquished.

156. The followers of Jesus were also spread around preaching underground yet their presence was detectable.

157. Rome that was a power on earth in that area around the Mediterranean reached its greatest geographical extent under Emperor Trajan (98–117).

158. The Empire sustained as a power for another 150 years and by 260 it split into three for a short while. Emperor  Aurelian reunited the empire in 274.

159. In 285, the emperor Diocletian partitioned the Roman Empire’s administration into eastern and western halves.

160. Since then the new supreme rulers disposed of the legal fiction of the early Empire and openly styled themselves as dominus et deus, “lord and god”, titles appropriate for a master-slave relationship.

161. Official cruelty, supporting extortion and corruption also have become more commonplace.

162. The scale, complexity, and violence of government were unmatched.

163. The emperors lost control over their whole realm as that control came increasingly to be wielded by anyone who paid for it.

164. The richest senatorial families, immune from most taxation, engrossed more and more of the available wealth and income.

165. There was growing economic inequality between a gold-rich elite and a cash-poor peasantry.

166. The barbarians had invaded the empire sometimes stealthily and sometimes openly that a cultural and religious strife was seen as imminent.

167. The need for one single state religion was being felt to keep the empire together. In 313 Emperor Constantine declared official toleration of Christianity.

168. In 325 in the Council of Nicea convened by Emperor Constantine Jesus Christ was declared as of the same substance as God (Yahweh).

169. Let me give a verbatim quote of the Declaration of Nicea which clearly tell you that Christianity is a religion by agreement.

170. This is the agreement of faith that the great council of Nicea, assented to with a loud acclamation:

“We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible;

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten of the Father, of the substance of the Father; God of God and Light of Light; true God of true God; begotten, not made, of the same substance as the Father, by whom all things were made, in heaven and on earth: who for the sake of us men and our salvation, descended, became incarnate, and was made man, suffered, arose again on the third day, and ascended into the heavens, from where he will come again to judge the living and the dead;

And in the Holy Spirit.”

171. By 330 the Capital of the empire was also moved from Rome to Byzantium which was to be known as Constantinople.

172. Nicene Christianity became the state church of the Roman Empire with the Edict of Thessalonica in AD 380.

173. In the next 100 years i.e. by 476 AD the Roman empire ceased to exist but Byzantine empire sustained.

174. Byzantine empire lasted till 1453 (with a break of 55 years in between) and was taken over by the Ottoman Empire which renamed it as Istanbul.

175. During this period the most important personality who made an impact on Christianity was Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430).

176. St.Augustine contended the predestination of man is hell only unless god chooses otherwise.

177. Christians sell the idea that their omniscient god is equal to all and he loves all.

178. Omniscience means knowledge of the past, present and the future.

179. Omniscient god knows who will be rich and who will be poor. He also knows who will be sick and maim and who will be healthy.

180. Omniscient god knows who will go to hell and who will go to heaven.

181. The arguments of Augustine clearly indicate that their omniscient god knows and creates soul that are to go to eternal hell and souls that are to go to heaven.

182. Clearly this is not an act of a god of equality or a god of love.

183. In all of 400 years since Jesus Christ was crucified people for the first time began to perceive the vile nature of their ‘loving’ god!

184. This is one important reason for the rise of Islam.

185. I would like to move to the next Abrahamic religion namely Islam but there are two more points on Christianity that is worth mentioning.

186. The first one is on the way they preserved the faith in the face of opposition.

187. Christians as much as Jews were persecuted since the ransacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD reaching its climax in 303 AD in what came to be known as Diocletianic Persecution.

188. In all these years, in order to preserve the faith in the face of persecution, the Christians indulged in incestuous marriages that went on for well over 200 years.

189. In Judaism the role of priests was inherited. The root of casteism viz. what you do is an inheritance lies in the early Abrahamic religion.

190. Early Christians not only carried this trait but narrowed it down to germinate within each family by incest that lasted for centuries.

191. The second point is that the Christianity was born and sold in the name of sin. The institution of papacy is an epitome of corruption and sin. Examples are:

192. Pope Stephen VI (896–897), who had his predecessor Pope Formosus exhumed, tried, de-fingered, briefly reburied, and thrown in the Tiber.

193. Pope John XII (955–964), who gave land to a mistress, murdered several people, and was killed by a man who caught him in bed with his wife.

194. Pope Benedict IX (1032–1044, 1045, 1047–1048), “sold” the Papacy

195. Pope Boniface VIII (1294–1303), is lampooned in Dante’s Divine Comedy

196. Pope Urban VI (1378–1389), complained that he did not hear enough screaming when Cardinals who had conspired against him were tortured.

197. Pope Alexander VI (1492–1503), a Borgia, whose incestuous relationship with his daughter Lucrezia was most talked in all of papacy and who was guilty of the worst nepotism. His unattended corpse swelled until it could barely fit in a coffin.

198. Pope Leo X (1513–1521), a spendthrift member of the Medici family who once spent 1/7 of his predecessors’ reserves on a single ceremony.

199. Pope Clement VII (1523–1534), also a Medici, whose power-politicking with France, Spain, and Germany got Rome sacked.

200. Then there are episodes of pedophilia among the clergy throughout the world. In many ways it has a sickening culture.

201. Christianity’s very basis stand on 3 legs of (a) original sin, that man is born into sin thanks to his inheritance from Adam.

202. Baptism does not take away his ability to commit sin which is the nature of man is the Christian dogma.

203. (b) The second premise of Christianity is the hell and the inexorable march to it is the destiny of Man; and

204. (c) Christ is the son of God.

205. All three premises are unverifiable.

206. Christianity was seized and spread by those, of not so much as faith but as opportunity to dominate the congregation.

207. Christianity was constantly changing its message with about a 1000 sects within yet opportunistic agreements always carried the faith.

208. Now let us move on to Islam which began with Mohammed who was born in Mecca in Arabia in 570 AD. He died in 632 AD.

209. The basic premise of Islam is same as those of Christians viz. you are created but you have an everlasting soul.

210. There is hell as also paradise.

211. But the idea of Christ the son of god is overrun by the new dictum that Mohammed is a messenger of god and his last prophet.

212. In Islam the original sin is either not accepted or held inconsequential.

213. Christianity points to a vileness in man the source of which is said to be the original sin.

214. Islam without lamenting on the vileness of man decides to harvest it towards a purpose of spreading its message across the globe.

215. There is no god but Allah. This emphatic statement that denies the right to any other faith.

216. Non-believers have to be made believers or hounded and even put to death. Apostasy is punishable by death.

217. The supremacy of Mohammed is very clear in this: “Allah Says, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission.” [4:65].

218. In other words, if you have an opinion that is contrary to Mohammed (or his successors) such an opinion is unacceptable.

219. Allah Swears by His Noble and Holy Self that no one believes until he accepts the decision of the Messenger of Allah on all matters.

220. Whatever the Prophet decides is the truth that should adhered to inwardly and outwardly.

221. Allah also Says, “It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision.” [33:36]. The true believer does not prefer his wishes or inclinations to what Allah and His Messenger decide.

222. There are many instances that indicate that obedience to the Messenger of Allah is obligatory.

223. For e.g. O Muhammad: “Obey Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad)”. But if they turn away, then Allah does not like the disbelievers.” [3:32].

224. Allah explains the necessity of obeying His Prophet, and the reward of him who obeys him.  He said, Whoever obeys him will enter Paradise.

225. So Mohammed says: “Whoever obeys me has obeyed Allah and whoever disobeys me has disobeyed Allah.” (So where is the difference between this illiterate crook and the god that he advances?)

226. Allah also threatens those who disobey the Prophet’s orders with Fire and severe punishment.

227. He Says, “And whoever defies and disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then verily, Allah is Severe in punishment.”[8:13].

228. He also Says, “And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then verily for him is the Fire of Hell.”[72:23].

229. So in Islam all that its followers have to accept and digest is that they say this following prayer 5 times a day.

230. Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest)

231. Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lah (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.)

232. Ash hadu an-na Muhammadar rasulul lah (I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.)

233. Thus it is incumbent on the laity to believe and defend the faith, never to doubt. Laity has no right to interpret but only echo the Clergy.

234. Clergy such as mullahs are the only ones who can say what Quron means on each occasion and the laity has to obey and defend.

235. In Christianity god chooses who goes to heaven and the rest go to hell. In Islam god is far removed. It is between you and Mohammed.

236. You obey Mohammed and the clergy who speaks in his name and you are assured of entry into paradise where you enjoy all you want.

237. If you refuse to obey you are packed to hell right away by being put to death.

238. In Islam there is a role for every Muslim and it is “Hunt down the disbelievers”!

239. Incestual marriages are established norm in Islam. Children of same man can marry provided the mothers are different.

240. Women are mere child-producing machines. They cannot refuse sex and can have no say on whether they like to bear a child.

241. Men can marry more than one but women cant. The man can divorce a woman at will but such right doesn’t exist for a woman.

242. Woman is in effect a slave to man in Islam which contrasts itself from the other two Abrahamic religions.

243. Judaism is Israel specific. Therefore it finds no need to spread its religion beyond its borders. Forced conversion is anathema to it.

244. But Christianity relies on conversion alone for its existence and this takes itself to be planted throughout the world.

245. Islam spreads itself by forced conversion by means of sword. So both Christianity and Islam clash with each other for world domination.

246. Islam also see the advantage of being wedded to a locale as in Judaism so it exhorts its followers to take up Haj pilgrimage so as to anchor itself to Mecca.

247. In all the three Abrahamic religions god is actually an unknown factor. He is known through an angel only. Christ have never seen the god or an angel!

We come to the end of our enumeration of the three Abrahamic religions.